International Exchange



Last Day

Feb. 9 PST (Feb. 10 JST)


Last day. We said goodbye to our host families and headed to the airport. Our luggage was piled high with souvenirs and other items. At the airport, we had to say goodbye to our two coordinators, both of whom spoke only English, so all instructions and guidance during the training were given in English. They also made time to chat with the students on the bus, in the morning before departure, and in other casual situations, which I think made the training even better. The students also asked questions about things they didn't understand and communicated with each other in a normal way. I think it was a meaningful experience for the students in their future lives. However, whether or not it was really a good experience depends on their future activities, as I am sure you know. If they look back at thier notes from time to time and keep a fresh mind, they will be able to lead a life that makes the impossible possible.

Day 5

Feb. 8 PST ( Feb. 9 JST)

Day 5 午前はまずアマゾンの本社へ。球体なのが特徴的。その後、アプリがないと入れない購入できないAmazon Goへ。通常アプリの入ったスマホがあればお金を払わず商品を持ち帰れます。今回はコーディネーターさんのおかげで入店&商品も買えました。午後は航空博物館。実際に使用された航空機、戦闘機、月面着陸したアポロなどを見学しました。そしてこの旅の最後は前田さんのプレゼンです。その内容は、実際にこの場に来て熱量・迫力を感じて欲しいので書きません。生徒たちから、たくさんの高校生がかかえていそうな問題の質問がいくつか出て、前田さんの視点でズバリ回答を頂きました。挫折を味わい、多くの困難を乗り越えてトップに上り詰めた人の言葉は大変重たく、今後の人生の大きなヒントになったと思います。生きる理由、頑張る理由もしっかり教えてもらいました。『やるかやらないかは自分しだい』って言ってましたね。すぐに行動に移そう。

Day 5 In the morning, we first went to Amazon's headquarters. The spherical shape of the building is a unique feature. Then, we went to Amazon Go, where you need an app to enter and make purchases. Usually, if you have a smartphone with the app, you can take products home without paying for them. This time, thanks to the coordinator, we were able to enter the store & buy products. In the afternoon, we went to the Aviation Museum. We visited actual aircraft, fighter planes, and the Apollo that landed on the moon. The last part of the trip was Mr. Maeda's presentation. I won't write about the contents of that presentation because I want you to actually come here and feel the passion and power of the presentation. The students asked several questions about problems that many high school students seem to have, and Mr. Maeda answered them clearly from his point of view. The words of someone who has experienced setbacks and overcome many difficulties to reach the top are very important, and I think they provided a great hint for the rest of my life. I was also given a good reason to live and to do my best. He said, "It is up to you whether you do it or not. Let's take action immediately.

Day 4

Feb. 7 PST (Feb. 8 JST)

Day 4. 午前はシアトルで一番有名な観光地であるパイクプレイスマーケットに行き、ショッピングや雰囲気を楽しみました。スタバ1号店もこのエリアにあります。午後は世界でも常に上位にランクされるワシントン大学(UW)を訪問しました。UWの学生のガイドで広いキャンパス内を見学して周り、交流会では大学のことや進路の事などを質問していました。UWの学生は、話しをする内容も話し方も賢くて、そういうのも参考にして欲しいと思います。世界の一流の人と出会う、雰囲気を味わうのはいいことしかありません。生徒たちは今日一日の経験で、一流の方向へ進んでくれることでしょう。

Day 4. In the morning we went to Pike Place Market, Seattle's most famous tourist attraction, to enjoy the shopping and atmosphere. The first Starbucks store is also located in this area. In the afternoon, we visited the University of Washington (UW), which is always ranked as one of the top universities in the world. I hope you will also use this as a reference. Meeting and experiencing the atmosphere of world-class people can only be a good thing. I am sure that the students will move in a first-class direction after today's experience.

Day 3

Feb. 6 PST (Feb. 7 JST)

Day 3 Redmond HS訪問。3時間目〜7時間目まで、プレゼンをしたり、折り紙を教えてあげたり、自由に会話を楽しんだりして1日を過ごしました。5時間目は『自分の意見を言う』というテーマの英語の授業に参加させてもらい、レドモンドの生徒が発言する中、清水丘の生徒も自分の意見を述べていて、「Oh〜!」という声もあがるほど、なかなか面白い意見だったと思います。あの雰囲気で意見を述べるのは度胸も必要なのでGood job です。ランチをレドモンドの生徒と一緒に食べたりインスタを交換したり、新しい友達がたくさん出来たようです。積極的に英語を使って交流する姿が増えて来て頼もしい限りです。

Day 3 Visit to Redmond HS: From 3rd to 7th period, we spent the day giving presentations, teaching Origami, and enjoying free conversation. 5th period, we participated in an English class on the theme of "Expressing Your Opinion", and while Redmond students were speaking, Shimizugaoka students were also expressing their opinions. While the Redmond students were speaking, the Shimizugaoka students were also expressing their opinions, and some of them even shouted "Oh! I think it was quite interesting to hear them express their opinions in that atmosphere. It took a lot of guts to express your opinion in such an atmosphere, so good job. It seems that many new friends were made, such as eating lunch together with Redmond students and exchanging Instagrams. It is very encouraging to see more and more students actively using English to communicate with each other.

Day 2

Feb. 5 PST ( Feb. 6 JST)

Day 2. 午前は、芸術系では全米でトップ5に入るデジペン工科大学。係の人の案内で受賞した作品や学生が制作した作品などを見学しました。訪問中に学生がPCを使いながら創作している姿があったり、授業も見ることができました。午後はマイクロソフトへ。マイクロソフトの歴史を学んだ後、社員である松本さんにお話しをしていただきました。余った時間の質問コーナーは、生徒たちが次々と質問していたので45分くらい続きました。それに答える松本さんの言葉一つ一つが深くて、よりためになるものでした。出来る人の思考回路はやっぱり面白いです。生徒たちの今後の人生にとって大変有意義な時間となりました。学んだことを実践するのは自分たち次第ですよ。

Day 2. In the morning, we visited Digipen Institute of Technology, one of the top five art schools in the United States. A staff member led us on a tour of award-winning works of art and student creations. During the visit, we were able to see students using computers to create and watch a class. In the afternoon, we went to Microsoft. After learning about the history of Microsoft, we had a talk with Mr. Matsumoto, an employee of the company. The question-and-answer session lasted about 45 minutes, as the students asked questions one after another. Each word of Mr. Matsumoto's answer was deeper and more informative than the last. The thought process of a capable person is interesting. It was a very meaningful time for the students' future lives. It is up to them to put what they learned into practice.

Day 1

Sun. Feb. 4 (Feb. 5 JST)

Day1 新千歳出発からシアトル到着まで長旅でしたが無事到着しました。シアトルに着いてから、飛行機内に忘れ物をしたハプニングはありましたが、スペースニードル、ポップカルチャー博物館等を見学して周りました。夕方は現地スタッフによるオリエンテーションを行い、その後生徒たちはホストファミリーに連れられて各家庭へと向かいました。オールイングリッシュのホームステイ。どんな夜を過ごしているでしょう?(現地からのレポート)

Day1 It was a long flight from New-Chitose to Seattle, but we arrived safely. After arriving in Seattle, the students visited the Space Needle, the Pop Culture Museum, etc., despite the incident of having forgotten something on the plane. In the evening, the local staff held an orientation, after which the students were taken by their host families to their homes. All-English homestay. What kind of night are they spending? (Report from a tour leader)




They were welcomed by our host families at 16:30 local time (9:30 Japan time). They are sure that warm exchanges will deepen at each home.




9:26 a.m. local time on the 4th (2:26 a.m. Japan time on the 5th)
We have arrived at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. After this, they will enter downtown Seattle, visit the Space Needle, and meet their host families.




Twelve students have departed for Seattle from today to the 10th. They will be staying with host families, interacting with local high school students, and visiting the University of Washington and Microsoft Corporation.

研修旅行スケジュール   schedule.pdf










 本校は、アメリカのアラスカ州にあるMt.Edgecumube High Schoolと姉妹校であり、3年に1度訪問団がアラスカ州にあるエジカム高校に訪問し交流しています。また、道教育委員会のアルバータ州交換留学生プログラムやロサンゼルス同人会の短期留学プログラムに積極的に応募するなど、英語圏への留学にチャレンジしています。